Zoo Aquarium Madrid
It is not necessary to change it at the ticket office. Go directly to the access systems · Keep your ticket for the duration of your stay. Park staff can request your performance at any time. · This ticket includes park access only. Does not include additional services · Limited to one access to the park per day. If you leave it you will no longer be able to access it. · You must not cut, manipulate, deteriorate or photocopy this ticket, as we may prevent you from entering the Park. · Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. · We reserve the right to close the Park, or any of its facilities, without notice, for exceptional reasons such as adverse weather conditions, capacity, safety and public health. · The sale of entrance tickets to third parties is prohibited.
Why you should buy your ticket on Family Days.
The Madrid Zoo celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, introducing conservation and research projects carried out in nature and the educational work aimed at schoolchildren and visitors through the awareness and protection of endangered species of the 5 continents .
Located in the heart of the city, the Madrid Zoo was inaugurated on 23 June 1972 in the surroundings of the Casa de Campo. It currently has about 1,300 specimens of 333 species in a path of 22 hectares distributed by continent. Within the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums), it participates in 63 conservation programs for endangered species such as the white and Indian rhinoceros, the giant Amazon otters, the Bornean orangutan or the imperial eagle, among others. . The unique opportunity in Spain to encounter endangered species such as the giant panda or koala make Madrid Zoo a must see in the capital.
On September 6, 2021, the birth of the panda twins You You and Jiu Jiu took place, presented in the lawn on March 21, 2022 at the institutional opening ceremony of the 50th anniversary presided over by Her Majesty Queen Sofia. A tender image that will be the protagonist in 2022 with the mother of the twins in the panda bear structure. Tu Tu and Jiu Jiu continue to perpetuate the importance of this species as the sixth and seventh panda cubs successfully born at the Madrid Zoo.
Unique species from 5 continents Come and meet them!
The park is distributed by geographical areas: Asian fauna, African fauna, American fauna, Australian fauna and European fauna.
Among the most emblematic species that are part of the conservation programs of endangered species that can be observed in the park are: giant pandas, anteaters, giraffes, giant Amazon otters, orangutans, Indian and white rhinos, coastal gorillas, Asian elephants, Asian lion or bottlenose dolphin, among others.
And ... find out more about our educational activities
Educational activities of sea lions, dolphins, exotic birds and birds of prey are offered along the Madrid Zoo route.
AQUARIUM: The different aquariums and tanks are arranged so that the visit develops as a journey through different marine ecosystems from a greater to a lesser depth.
VOLIERA : It has a capacity of 1,500 people. The development of the exhibition flights starts from 6 meter high towers and aims to demonstrate the flight of our species
DOLPHINARY : Structure designed to maintain, exhibit and reproduce two of the most interesting species of Marine Mammals: Dolphins and Sea Lions